meet the team
Professional, dedicated, experienced
Janet Hamilton, MA, RCEP, CSCS, RRCA & USATF-certified coach
"listen to your body"
Janet Hamilton started her coaching career over 25 years ago. With a Master's Degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Alabama, Birmingham and extensive experience working with injured runners she identified a common theme - many of those injured athletes could benefit from some guidance on their training plans. By fine tuning the paces and training loads, and teaching them specific strength and flexibility exercises she helped them not only recover, but soar to achieve new goals.
She served as an Assistant Professor at Clayton State University from 2000-2007, and was instrumental in developing the Bachelor of Science in Health and Fitness Management major there. She taught undergraduate courses in Exercise Physiology, Kinesiology, Exercise Testing & Prescription, and Pharmacology for Fitness Professionals.
She was an instructor for the Road Runners Club of America coaching certification program nationwide from 2005-2012.
Whether you're just getting started, or striving for a new PR, or trying to recover from a running injury, using a professional to guide your path makes sense. Janet coaches runners of all ages and abilities and she can help YOU!
Kendra glassman MS, rd, cssd, pa
train smart and fuel properly
Kendra grew up in Kansas where she earned her BS in Dietetics from Kansas State University. She completed her dietetic internship in the US Army and completed her MS in Clinical Nutrition at Central Michigan University in 2009. Kendra worked as a dietitian for 15 years in various fields to include pediatric and neonatal nutrition, and earned her Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics. She graduated from Red Rocks Community Cllege with a Master of Science in Physician Assistant studies in 2019. As a strong athlete herself, she knows the importance of fueling your training well. She routinely competes in marathons, ultra marathons and triathlons.
She offers nutritional guidance through email and web conference services.